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Though widely read and referred to today, in his own lifetime Thoreau was something of a contrarian and took an opposing stance on everything from paying taxes to the very notion of an all-powerful civil government. Yet Beethoven never married though he had relationships, the most famous being with one “immortal beloved” to whom he wrote several passionate letters.Īuthor of such groundbreaking transcendentalist books as Walden and Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau was one of the giants of nineteenth century western philosophy. Though of German parentage, Beethoven lived in the courts of Vienna where he was besieged by female attention and was the toast of aristocratic circles.

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Even after he became deaf, he astonished the by composing, performing and conducting music. Beetle-browed and with flowing white hair, he composed music of breathtaking passion and depth. Ludwig van Beethoven is not only the best known composer of western classical music but was arguably the greatest composer who ever lived. A few famous figures from past realized this all along which is why they never got hitched during their lifetimes – here are ten famous men in history who never married. Despite marriage being the oldest and most universal form of romantic relationship between two adults, it is not enough to meet all the emotional, sexual and spiritual needs of an infidel.

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